we counted down the days
July 27, 2016
the time just kept passing
July 15, 2016
she lifts me up
July 5, 2016
we lived, we laughed
May 21, 2016
the weeks, they turn to months
December 30, 2015
you don’t owe them anything
November 9, 2015
never want to hear you say
October 19, 2015
so please try to keep in touch
October 9, 2015
as i slowly fall apart
August 9, 2015
for all the wrong things i say
April 9, 2015
and all i see is you
March 9, 2015
so watch me disappear
January 1, 2015
sometimes that is all there is
November 9, 2014
i should have said this sooner
June 19, 2014
when skies are grey
May 30, 2014
leave it to me to be cynical
May 9, 2014